- 1 Voucher will get you one remark on 1 item.
- Maximum of 3 vouchers per person.
- We’ll try to fulfil all requests. But if a remark is too long or violates copyright, the Artist may decline.
- Please prepare the remark on a post-it for the Artist to copy.
Voucher Terms and Conditions:
- Applies to Autograph with Certificates of Authentication (COA), Selfie, and Remark vouchers:
- No mobile phone selfies unless you have a selfie voucher.
- Arrive 30 mins early to collect vouchers.
- No voucher exchanges or refunds, except if the artist cancels.
- Refunds processed within 90 days through the same payment channel.
- Organizer not liable for travel or accommodation costs if artist cancels.
- Check session details and timings before traveling; changes may occur.
- Missed sessions may be accommodated based on availability.
- Organizer not responsible for lost or stolen vouchers.
- Customers may be filmed or photographed for broadcast or security purposes.
- Customer service: info@popconme.com