Meet the Heroes

As you step into Meet the heroes, during February 2 – 4 2024 at POPCONME, it’s like your heroes come alive. You spot your childhood idol and approaching them, their charm matches the screen. Meeting a beloved voice actor and their creativity leaves you awestruck. And then the magic peaks with a celebrated actor whose work touched your soul. Expressing gratitude becomes an unforgettable memory. These moments aren’t just fan stories, they’re personal connections with those who’ve shaped your world.


From the glitz of Broadway to the bustling streets of Tokyo, our lineup of special guests for this convention spans across realms like classic literature, gaming, anime, films and more, ready to connect with their devoted enthusiasts.

Voice actors

They’ve made your cherished characters real, and now, these actors are here in person, using their incredible voices to charm and astonish fans with the very roles that captured your hearts.


Transform your favorite comics, posters, celebrity photos, or merchandise into prized possessions by getting them signed by our stars. Curate a personalized collection of souvenir that’s exclusively yours.


Capture an unforgettable picture alongside your beloved Stars, Artists, Superheroes, or Cherished Characters, preserving it as the ultimate badge of geek pride.

Get your tickets early to secure your portal into No. 1 pop culture and gaming event in the middle east!